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Special Issue Information


Special Issue Information of The Journal Radiation Physics and Chemistry (RPC):


All authors will be able to submit their work as a full paper to the Radiation Physics and Chemistry (The Journal for Radiation Physics, Radiation Chemistry and Radiation Processing). Submitted manuscripts will undergo full peer reviewing, according to the usual journal procedures.

Please follow the instructions provided below.


Instructions For Submission: 

The submission website for this journal is located at

Sign in with your EVISE or Elsevier profile credentials


If you do not have EVISE or Elsevier profile credentials, then you must first register

Once you have logged in:

Select the tab “My Author Tasks” and then

“Start New Submission”

In the pull-down menu below “Enter Manuscript Information”, you MUST strictly select:

SI: Proceedings of IRRMA-12

Proceed providing the requested information (regular paper, title, authors, etc.), with formatting exactly in accord with that practiced by the journal. Failure to do so will result in the submission being returned to you for your further action.

Also, we wish to inform you about the following guidelines on the number of printed pages of accepted manuscripts in RPC:

·         Normal submission: 6 – 8 printed pages

·         Plenary/Invited contributions: 8 – 12 printed pages


Important Date;

- The first submission date:  1st February 2025

(Elsevier System open for submissions)


- The final submission deadline:  30 April 2025 

(The last date until which Elsevier System will be opened for new submissions)


- The final acceptance deadline (for guest editors):  End July 2025

(Final decision on each manuscript will have been made by this date)



 Online submission will be opened as soon as possible after the meeting, the Elsevier gateway for direct submission to the journal being made known in due course. Work not presented at the meeting will not be eligible for consideration.

Manuscripts will go through the standard independent refereeing process of RPC.

In keeping with RPC policy, the work must contain either important new results in science and/or technology or review of active areas of research and developments involving ionizing radiation in radiation physics, radiation chemistry and radiation technology. Manuscripts in the first category must contain new results. Confirmation of previously published results of unusual importance can be considered as new, as can significant null results. Review articles should review active areas of research in a form that is useful to both practitioners and those entering the field. Authors are asked to give considerable attention to the presentation of their material, making the introductions accessible to intermediate graduate students and readers from other fields. The body of each paper should be economic in style and thoughtfully organized. Do note that a great deal of time can be wasted in authors failing to adhere to the style adopted by RPC, including the system of citation and referencing. Manuscripts cannot be identical duplicates of work submitted for publication either to another journal or to another conference proceedings.

Further RPC editorial policies information is available at


Please consider these guidelines when drafting your manuscript.

We appreciate your contributions.


Kind regards,

IRRMA-12  Organizing Committee

Last updated on : October 1, 2024 10:44am